Thank you for your interest in New Horizon Church of God. Our main vision and the goal of our church is “TO REACH THE LOST AT ANY COST”. New Horizon Church of God has been a part of the Coquille Valley now for many years. We are a church who will “Love You” and accept you with the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that EVERYONE, no matter who you are, needs Jesus. Our church is a church that is filled with all kinds of people with different backgrounds and walks of life, but we believe that Jesus died for everyone. When you come once, you are a visitor. When you come more after that, you become family!

If you would like to view one of our services, just click on “Sermons”. Feel free to also check out our Facebook, Instagram & Youtube sites by clicking on the individual icons below. Thank you for your interest in our church and we hope that you will consider coming to visit us sometime!